
An translation and narration tool built for mother-tongue speakers who prefer oral and audio scriptures.


Orature version 3.1.28

Compatible with macOS 12: Monterey and newer.



Orature version 3.1.28

Compatible with Windows 10 and newer.



Orature version 3.1.28

Compatible with Debian and Ubuntu based distros.

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About Orature

Orature provides an accessible way for the Global Church to produce church owned oral and audio scriptures. It streamlines the translation and narration process for tech-hesitant translators.


View releases for all platforms and version on Github.

Orature Features


Audio Narration

Orature makes it easy to complete scripture recording of a written Bible in the language of your choosing.

Oral Bible Translation

With Orature's all-in-one capability, you can draft, edit, and compile your Bible translation project all in one place.


Uses 3rd Party Edit and Record Plugins

Orature works with multiple 3rd party applications, such as: OcenAudio, Adobe Audition, and more. Record and edit with the tools you already use.

Getting Started

There are plenty of resources available to you to help get you started or unblocked. View documentation on how to get started or contact our Help Desk for specific inquiries.

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