2024 Chapel Survey Step 1 of 7 14% General InformationAre you based in Orlando or other remote location? Orlando, FL USA Americas (non-USA based) Eurasia Pacific Asia Africa South Asia How do you typically attend chapel? In person Remote - Live Watch the recording Typically do not attend chapel Participation and EngagementHow often do you attend or view the chapel services (live or via recording)? Every session (average 2x/week) Most sessions (average 1-2x/week) Occasionally (average 1-4x/month) Rarely (less than 1-2x/month) Never If you are unable to attend chapel, what hinders you from doing so? (Select all that apply) Time of day Meeting conflicts Workload/lack of time Lack of Interest Other (please specify) Other If you miss or are unable to attend chapel, how often do you watch the recordings? I watch all recordings I watch most of the recordings I watch some of the recordings I never watch the recordings How engaged do you feel during the chapel services?Very EngagedEngagedNeutralDisengagedVery disengaged Content and StructureHow satisfied are you with the current start time of our chapel services (8AM US Eastern)?Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedWould you prefer a different time of day for the chapel services? Please assume US Eastern office hours. No change. I prefer US early morning I prefer mid or late morning I prefer early afternoon I prefer late afternoon How satisfied are you with the frequency of our chapel services (twice a week)?Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedWhat level of chapel frequency do you most prefer? More than twice weekly Twice weekly Once weekly Other How relevant do you find the topics discussed during the chapel services?Highly relevantRelevantNeutralIrrelevantHighly irrelevantWhat types of topics would you like to see more of during the chapel services? (Select all that apply) Field reports Personal testimonies Bible passage studies Other (please specify) Other How well-informed do you feel about upcoming chapel services and events?Very well-informedWell-informedNeutralPoorly informedVery poorly informedWould you like to see any changes in the format of the chapel services? If yes, please specify: Yes (specify below) No Changes you would like to see in the format of chapel services Spiritual BenefitHow spiritually beneficial do you find the chapel services?Extremely beneficialVery beneficialModerately beneficialSlightly beneficialNot beneficialWhich aspects of the chapel services do you find most spiritually uplifting? (Select all that apply) Worship music Sermons/messages Fellowship with others Other (please specify) Other Do you feel a sense of belonging and community at the chapel services?AlwaysMost of the timeSometimesRarelyNever Guest SpeakersWould you like to have guest speakers from outside the organization? Yes No No preference Worship and Music23. How do you feel about the worship music during the chapel services?Love itLike itNeutralDislike itStrongly dislike itWhat type of worship music speaks to your heart? (Select all that apply) Traditional hymns Contemporary Christian music Gospel Instrumental Worship music representative of other languages/cultures Other (please specify) Other Overall SatisfactionOverall, how satisfied are you with our chapel services?Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeutralDissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedDo you have any feedback on how we can improve our chapel services? Prayer MeetingsAre you aware of WA weekly prayer meetings (Remote and in person, Tuesdays 8-9AM Eastern time US) Yes No What is your interest level in attending a prayer meeting?Very interestedInterestedNeutralUninterestedVery uninterestedIf you are aware of the prayer meeting but do not attend, what prevents you from attending more frequently? (Select all that apply) Time of day Work or school commitments Personal reasons Lack of interest Other (please specify) Other Do you have any suggestions to increase involvement or interest in prayer meetings?